Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Well it's been far too long since I've been on here, so I figured I ought to write something in here again. I doubt anybody even reads this page, but here goes anyways. I finally snapped out of my "depression" phase. Well, technically. I haven't really gotten over it...but I've .. gotten better at hiding it. Funny-- that's the habit that got me into this mess in the first place. But it's an old habit thats taking over again. I feel that... telling people about it didn't do me any good- so I should just put it back where it was.
Schools almost here. I'm excited- I should be, after all its my senior year. I'm looking forward to it, but I don't know. I just enjoyed having the freedom to come home anytime when I couldn't hold the face on much longer. Now, I don't have that option..I get to go back to plastering the happy smiley face all year. I have to pick out a college soon too. I'm not really overwhelmed about picking one- sure I'm stressed- but everyone (well most people) have to deal with it at one point or another, and its my turn. I got a letter from Cornell University. I guess they want me for Track and Field. But I mean seriously, I'm just this kid who picked up track as something to do, as a way to meet more ppl and get more involved... and now they want me to do it competitvely for the rest of college? and Ivy League? I mean-- that's hardcore. It'd be a great education but... damn. I would probably turn them down... and probably will if they offer me a scholarship of any sort-- because track isn't my passion. It's not fair to them, any other possible recruits, or to myself to force myself to do something that isn't my passion. Basketball is my passion- basketball is what I really want to do. I don't care if I have to go to a junior college for 2 or 3 years-- if that's what it takes-- at least I'm accomplishing my dream. It'd be my dream of playing basketball in college- a dream I've carried within me since I was 9 years old.
This summer went by too fast. June was a good month- playing basketball, hanging out with friends... and I even met someone. Then came July. I went to Seattle, Reno, L.A., and Las Vegas.. and all for basketball. My friends are baffled by the fact that I played 2 solid months of basketball, have been back only a week, and already I am trying to find places to go play at and people to play against. I love playing. The summer fling-- that person I met-- ended already. Even though I wasn't ready for it to. It's okay couldn't have worked otu anyways.

I think i just lost my best friend. I have to go.


At 3:39 PM , Blogger Haley Rachelle said...

Hi I was just blog surfing and I decided to stop on your blog because you like fried green tomatoes, you like riding motorcycles, and you love basketball. I am 23 now but around my senior year I loved all those things too. I'm sorry to hear about your depression. I've been there. You just go through the motions to keep everyone else happy and off your back. You can't pinpoint what's wrong but something is missing. Life loses its appeal. I loved motorcycles, skiing, snowboard, and rafting because I liked the thrill. It made me feel like I was alive for a little bit. The problem is when the rush is over I was back to square one. I had some short lived friendships around that time too. They distracted for awhile but also left me at square one. So I started drugs. Not a good plan but I wanted that nawing of depression and anxiety to go away. They didn't work either. Then one night I went to a church revival my friend invited me to. I thought it would be stupid and borhing. I was wrong. I felt the presence of God that night. I knew without a shawdow of a doubt that He was real and that He loved me. He was the missing thing. I thought being a Christian meant you went to church and didn't cuss and hung out with nerdy people. I was very wrong. Being a Christian means you get to have a relationship with God. It means when no one understands you God does. It means when everyone is fed up with you and they don't know why you can't get over your problems God's not fed up. God loves us and you can feel that love. You can know it for yourself. I hope you read this. You can get in touch with me at if you want to.

At 10:32 PM , Blogger Haley Rachelle said...

Wow my first post was before I read the rest of your posts. We have more in common than I thought. I really hope you e-mail me. I realize now that you might be hesitant with your parents trying to give you the Jesus speach all the time. But I won't pressure you. I had the same kind of thing happen with my best friend when I was younger. It is the worst kind of rejection.


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