Wednesday, May 12, 2004


Have you ever been in love? If you have, then you know how it feels. How it feels when you give them a hug and you feel as if though you're going to melt right in their arms. How if feels when you do something to make them laugh, how you feel when you think you could cry because you feel so much for them. Being in love, for me, has been my worst and best experience. I could never trade being in love, not for anything in the world, but at the same time, being rejected...that is all in a world of its own.
To love and to be loved are two of the most crucial aspects of a person's emotional well-being. For me, I'd choose loving someone else, because the feeling of happiness you so rewarding. I fell in love with my best friend, and it hit me in the middle of nowhere, knocked me over and left me confused and dazed. And when I found out I coulnd't have the one I loved, it was like being kicked in the guts.
It's so confusing though. The world world of liking people, and dealing with rejection, and knowing what to do when you feel more than usual for a particular person. And it's so ironic when things work out exactly the way you want them to...but you wasn't really what you wanted and it wasn't what you made it out to be.
Even moreso confusing is...when you feel something for a person, but you don't know if you should hold back whether its out of fear of rejection, or fear of the wrong things happening...but you realize at one point that you have REAL feelings for that person. Ugh...Love and that whole world- its truly not what its made out to be. (I'll write more later)


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