Monday, May 10, 2004


I'm sitting here, in the dark, and I can hardly believe it. 25 more days of school. It seems like just yesterday...I was walking into the gym only to be greeted with hundreds of kids...and I knew none of them. It was the scariest thing I have ever done. I walked into my first period class- History, and as I sat down, I could feel the stares piercing my back. Never have I felt so inferior, so naked. And as I went to the rest of my classes throughout the day, that feeling never ceased. When I saw my friend at the end of the day, I thought I'd never feel so grateful again, to finally see a familiar face.
I went home and lied through my smile to my parents about how great school was and how I already loved it at my new school so much. All I really wanted to do was just cry, I missed all my friends and the comfort of knowing everyone. However, I kept going to school each day, and with each day, the happier I became. After about a quarter, I was beginning to feel as if I I fit in. That was the first time I had ever truly fit in at any school in my entire life. Basketball started, and I got more recognition for being an athlete and by the season's end, I had become much more outgoing. Life at school was enjoyable, and I was getting to know more and more people with each day.
The best part of the year came with my decision to run for student body recording secretary. It was by far, the bravest thing I'd ever decided to do. Sure I was outgoing, but not that outgoing. But, over a period of several weeks, I noticed I was becoming less fearful of talking to new people and I got to the point where I craved it. Meeting a new person made my day, and becoming friends with them, made it even better. Finally, speech making time came, and I was trembling like I'd been stranded in the heart of Alaska. But...I got up there, made my speech, and it all went smoothly- in fact, better than I had expected. To make a long story short, the speech was a success as was the election. I won, and now the year is coming to an end. Next year I will be busy, but it'll be a blast because I'll be able to meet more people and work with more people.
So much happened throughout the year, but it was worth it. Transferring schools, although seemed like a bad decision at first, ended up being the best decision of my life. I couldn't be happier. I'm so sad that school's getting out- no more wandering the halls during study hall making friends laugh at me as I walk by their classes, no more playfully pushing people around between classes, no more running around at lunch being hyper and talking to random people. But, next year awaits, and a crazy year it'll be. :-)


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